About Cascadia Tea Events

Why tea events?
We launched Cascadia Tea Events in 2022 with the desire to share tea with people in our community.
Starting with our inaugural Cascadia Mid-Autumn Tea Festival in September 2022, we create opportunities for people to come together to enjoy tea, connection, and knowledge. Almost every culture in the world has tea traditions that are steeped in hospitality, care, and welcome. We feel that everyone can connect over a cup of tea and we make space to foster those connections, as well as to enjoy a great cup (or a lot of great cups) of tea. Join us at an event! Learn something new. Meet someone new. Share tea.
Also, we really love tea.
You may have noticed our events are free or pay-what-you-want. We have a goal to keep our events as accessible as possible, including financially. We're 100% volunteer run and our programs are paid for through donations, sponsorships, and support from our vendors. Our events are a little less fancy than bigger festivals - no pipe and drape, hand printed signage, do-it-ourselves aesthetic - but the tea is fresh and hot and everyone involved is excited to share it with you along with their knowledge and a fun time.
Part of a Communi-tea
We're a proud part of the Puget Sound Tea Education Association.